IF YOUR HUSBAND APPEARS TROUBLED… let him alone until he is inclined to talk. Take up your book or your needlework pleasantly and cheerfully. Above all, don’t let him find a shirt-button missing.
~ Things
a Woman Wants to Know: An Edwardian #Housewife’s Guide to Life
women have it hard nowadays? This week
we take a look at some old “advice” our grandmothers might have gotten to help
them succeed in life. If you can laugh
at this stuff, it ts proof positive you’ve come a long way, baby. Hopefully, these daffy little black pearls of
wisdom will make you feel a little happier with your life. The tips that follow come from genuine advice
manuals, magazines, films, or #books.
#UNDERCLOTHING…A virtuous woman has a repugnance towards
excessive luxury in underclothing.
says: I don’t know about you, but I have
a repugnance towards virtuous underclothing.
Louise says: If all else fails,
there’s always the Threesome.
says: Now why on earth would I ever feel
down about such things? I love
them! Doh. I thought they said truffles.

Best Behavior… Social
conventions can do very little to protect a girl really bent on getting into
difficulties. In this case, a girl not out of her teens would do better to
avoid [dinner at a bachelor's] unless others, considerably more mature than
she, are present. A career girl, from her twenties onward, can accept such an
invitation but should not stay beyond ten or ten-thirty. An old rule and a good
one is ‘Avoid the appearance of evil.
says: I agree with this advice. One old rule but a good one that I’ve learned
by first-hand experience is this: One martini is not enough and two is too
many. To avoid the appearance of evil,
however, I suggest three. That way
you’re guaranteed to be in bed by ten or ten-thirty.
Rules of Engagement… It is up to you to earn the proposal—by waging a dignified, common-sense campaign designed to help him see for himself that matrimony rather than bachelorhood is the keystone of a full and happy life.
Louise says:
Indeed. A skilled woman will leave no stone unturned in her race toward the
altar. Rocks, bricks, the occasional golf club to the head – these implements
will help secure your place in jail – um – I mean - in marriage.
POWER… The power of a wife for good or
evil is irresistible. Home must be the
seat of happiness, or it must be forever unknown. If at home a man finds no rest, and is there
met with bad temper, or gloom, or is assailed by discontent or complaint, he
sinks into despair.
Meet USA TODAY Bestselling Author Carole Lanham.
Meet USA TODAY Bestselling Author Louise Caiola.