Saturday, March 29, 2014

50/50 Spring Fling Giveaway - Win a $50. Gift Card & Tons of eBooks!!

What better way to celebrate the end of this long and dreary winter than with a chance to win some pretty green cash? I have joined forces with the lovely Author Carole Lanham to bring you this fun giveaway. One winner will receive a $50.00 Amazon gift card! PLUS we have 50 kindle eBook copies for 50 lucky winners!! 25 copies of The Making of Nebraska Brown and 25 copies of
The Reading Lessons. That's A LOT of winning, guys.

Review of The Making of Nebraska Brown: "It is an absolute masterpiece, and I would recommend it to any literature and mystery fans."

Review of The Reading Lessons: "Carole Lanham’s The Reading Lessons is a seamless blend of historical literary fiction and romance...worthy of bestseller status."
And there are plenty more where those came from!

Just check out the Rafflecopter below to enter. Be sure to tell a friend. Happy Spring, gang!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Cover Reveal! ECHOES OF MEMORIES - by Samantha LaFantasie

Echoes of MemoriesTraitor. Liar. That’s what they call me. No one believes me. Not even my team. I know it’s up to me to get the answers. To stop the corruption and unlock my memories. I’ll do anything to get them back. Even if my hands will be covered in blood. Elsa's every move is scrutinized. She’s labeled a traitor by those she sought for protection, and kept from her family and team. Regaining memories has been a slow process. Too slow for the Council's liking, taking matters into their own hands. The new captain has history with Elsa and operates with a hidden agenda. Even Elsa’s team reacts differently toward her. If only she could unlock her memories. Everything is playing right into Alexander's hand, even amassing an army with unconventional methods, designed to annihilate the Nepherium—starting with Noah. Elsa will do anything to stop Alexander ... even kill.

Coming July 2014


Sign up to be notified of release!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author

A Kansas native, Samantha LaFantasie spends her free time with her husband and three kids. Writing has always been a passion of hers, forgoing all other desires to devote to this one obsession, even though she often finds herself arguing with her characters through much of the process. She’s primarily a fantasy writer but often feels pulled to genres such as sci-fi, romance, and others. Among her writing credentials, a member of the Kansas Writer’s Association and has authored works such as Heart Song (her debut novel) and Made to Forget. Samantha loves to take time to enjoy other activities such as photography and playing her favorite game of all time, Guild Wars 2.  

Stalk the Author

Monday, March 24, 2014

Kindle Fire Giveaway and Author Promo

It's been a while since we've hung out, gang. Hope you'll bear with me while I focus on some blog tours for the next couple weeks. In the meantime, I wanted to bring you this AMAZING contest. Great promo opportunity here at a GREAT price! Hurry and sign up, authors all.  

Author Promotion

*limited spaces available*
It's no secret that this is the prize readers want to win:
But running a giveaway with a kindle fire as the prize can be expensive. In fact, a lot of author marketing is expensive, and it's really not worth it to make an investment with such a low ROI. Do you want to spend $180 on a giveaway prize, but the attention it garners you only sells a dozen copies of your book? Probably not. But a $5 investment isn't so bad, right?
Well, I'm putting together a pretty awesome giveaway for readers, and it's even more awesome for them than JUST a Kindle Fire, and it's even more awesome for readers than ONLY getting tons of REAL Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers, and Mailing List Sign Ups.
So what's the deal? It's going to go down something like this:
-You pay $5 per spot on the rafflecopter, which you will share with 39 other authors. (We are limiting this to 40 authors so that our entries aren't drowned in a sea of 100's. So sign up fast because these spots are limited and already half gone!) The money goes toward the price of the kindle. Authors also have the option of including an e-copy of their book as an additional prize!
-You will receive your choice of the following entries on the rafflecopter: Twitter Follow, Facebook Like, or Mailing List Sign Up. You can sign up for multiple spots, but you have to pay for each one. You will also receive (at no extra cost) a sponsor link included beneath the rafflecopter.
-The giveaway will take place May 1st trough May 7th (payment will be due April 15th). Everyone participating will post the giveaway rafflecopter to their blog on May 1st. Additionally, all participants will be paired with another author in their genre to share about each other's book! This giveaway will be shared by all participants, so we are looking at a reach of over 100,000 readers!

If You're Interested, Sign Up Below!

Be sure to invite your friends (after you've secured a spot for yourself)!